The church service Sunday morning was 3 hours as promised. Ghanaians are very expressive and devoted Christians (unless they are Muslims). Most taxis have Christian sayings painted on the back windows such as "Jesus is my Savior". the service was mega-loud, very joyous and lots of dancing. t.hey took a collection 3 times! It was mostly in Twi and Reggie translated into my ear.
I had fun swaying to the music with an infant in my arms for a while. I used the iPad to record some of the songs, much to their delight. Lots of people wanted me to take pictures of them in their Sunday clothes.
After church, we piled in a taxi for the bumpy ride home and by 2 pm we were headed for the bus station in yet another taxi. We ended up selecting a tro-tro that had air conditioning and a TV screen playing a loud Ghanaian soap opera. Cost was 8 cedi or $4 each. It was such a relief to finally pull free of the massive traffic congestion in Accra.
After an hour, the landscape began to become lush with plantain trees, palms, and corn planted among the rampant greenery. The overcast skies opened up with showers. It took about 3 hours to get to Cape Coast and I got just a glimpse of the ocean. We are staying in a university guest house (converted dorms) recommended by AFS. so far it is not what I had hoped for, but it will do.
Plan tomorrow is to visit the slave castles and go to Kakumi National Park. Reggie, as my chaperone (no one here approves of me traveling solo), wants to cram as much as we can into two days, as he wants to get back to Accra. If I feel comfortable staying another night on my own, I am going to stay longer and he can return without me. I expect he will really try to talk me out of it!
Indie Jackie
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